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How to hardcode User Name and Password in vb6?

Hard coding user name and password in a system is not a good idea, the reason is, how about if you add new user's and end user's in the system???? , of course you have to re compile your codes, which is not a good idea, Anyway here are some samples of my hard coded user name and password. I only used this codes when I started vb6 programming in college.

The Codes

Option Explicit
Public COUNT1 As Integer
Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    'set the global var to false
    'to denote a failed login
    LoginSucceeded = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error Resume Next
    'check for correct password
    If UCase(txtusername.Text) = "ADMINISTRATOR" And UCase(txtpassword) = "ADMIN" _
       Or UCase(txtusername.Text) = "ADMIN" And UCase(txtpassword) = "ADMIN123" _
       Or UCase(txtusername.Text) = "USER1" And UCase(txtpassword) = "USER1" _
       Or UCase(txtusername.Text) = "USER2" And UCase(txtpassword) = "USER2" _
       Or UCase(txtusername.Text) = "USER3" And UCase(txtpassword) = "USER3" _
       Or UCase(txtusername.Text) = "USER4" And UCase(txtpassword) = "USER4" Then
        'place code to here to pass the
        'success to the calling sub
        'setting a global var is the easiest
        LoginSucceeded = True
        GoTo JUMP
        MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login"
        SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
    End If
       COUNT1 = COUNT1 + 1
         If COUNT1 = 3 Then
            MsgBox "Access in not Allowed!"
         End If
     Exit Sub
End Sub

-In this method the user is given 3 attempts to login if the user fails to enter the correct username and password, the system automatically exit. Here in this method you can add your own, maybe you can add after 3 attempts the pc will automatically shutdown... it's up to you, base on your system security reasoning...

Good Luck!